
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Terminus Episode 162 - Winterfylleth, Darkmoon Warrior
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Terminus 162 is unusually contentious, at least relative to the last few years of the show. In this episode, we both bring black metal records aimed at broad accessibility, yet staunchly refuse to enjoy each other’s picks. Terminators, choose your fighter! (And in the comments, let us know who wins which round.)
00:00 - Intro
0:01:41 - Winterfylleth - The Imperious Horizon (Candlelight Records)
English black metal standardbearers return with their most well-rounded, ambitious record to date.
0:54:54 - Interlude - Wodensthrone - “Those That Crush The Roots of Blood,” fr. Loss (Candlelight, 2009)
1:05:22 - Darkmoon Warrior - Graveyard Planet (Folter Records)
Das Motorrad des Teufels macht VRÖÖÖÖM!!!!
1:44:46 - Outro - Galicia - “Despondent Deity,” fr. Precipice (Hessian Firm, 2022)
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Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Terminus Episode 161 - Pneuma Hagion, Concrete Winds
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
On Terminus 161, we bring you two short and ripping records from bands we’ve covered in the past and reference frequently, both obsessively devoted to the extremity arms race, both back with #3.
0:01:45 - Pneuma Hagion - From Beyond (Everlasting Spew Records)
Blasting USDM titans consolidate their sound around…. the slow parts? Rest assured, the ziggurat has never been vaster, denser, or more hungry for the blood of stars.
0:44:06 - Interlude - Baphomet - “The Age of Plague,” fr. The Dead Shall Inherit (Peaceville, 1992)
0:47:37 - Concrete Winds - Concrete Winds (Sepulchral Voice Records)
Finnish pioneers of “music-adjacent” riffing get back to basics, grounding the white noise chaos of their last record in the driving deathrash structures of the debut.
1:26:51 - Outro - Xotox - “Eisenkiller,” fr. Lichtlos (Pro Noize, 2003)
Extended version recently released by Infacted Recorgodings
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Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
Terminus Episode 160 - Ink and Fire, Ghost of Lietus
Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
Returning from an interviewmission, Terminus is back with a couple records at least approximately located in the outlaw rock space. First up--the sophomore release of Ink & Fire which trades a bit of the debut's wild chaos for a more deliberate and precise melodic attack. Second, the debut by Ghost of Lietus, a Strix Askesis side project which augments Slavic and Hellenic black metal styles with an additional flair of traditional heavy metal and psych rock.
0:00:00 - Intro
0:04:28 - Ink & Fire - Emblazoned Visions Yield Eternity (Death Prayer Records)
0:52:51 - Interlude - Odal - “Flammendes Schwert,” fr. …Wilde Kraft (Christhunt Productions, 2005)
0:58:57 - Ghost of Lietus - Dream of the Viridian King (Independent)
1:39:01 - Outro - Ildra - “Ofer hwælweg we comon,” fr. Eðelland (Sonnenrune Records, 2011)
Nobly reissued by Heidens Hart.
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Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Terminus Interview - Adrian Brachmann (Níðstöng, Perkwunos, Äkth Gánahëth)
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
While conducting a dangerous Thulean reconnaisance mission, The Black Metal Guy managed to bed down in enemy triangle black metal territory to conduct a casual interview with a rare ally: Adrian Brachmann, whose projects Níðstöng and Perkwunos we have covered in earlier episodes. While dodging fire from the remains of the Orthodox scene, your intrepid host and his frigid counterpart enjoy a talk over coffee about Adrian's projects, his future musical plans, the broader black metal scene, and, of course, a Terminus favorite: 2000's metalcore.
0:00:00 - Interview
0:57:18 - Holyarrow - "空的進軍 / March to the Sky" fr. 吾之榮耀即吾之忠誠 (Pest Productions, 2023)
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Friday Aug 16, 2024
Friday Aug 16, 2024
WE LIVE... AGAIN. Terminus is back from summer break with a hot-ass episode of PURE BRUTAL DEATH METAL. To celebrate the start of Slam Boy Summer we have a four-banger of high profile records that we've been meaning to get to. First up- the sophomore record by 200 Stab Wounds- can they navigate the switch to a major metal label with their sound intact. Next up, Wormed, who attempt to bring their unique style of brutal death up to date with high profile influences. Third, the shocking return of Cephalotripsy, whose new record bears traces of the old but kicks off in a substantially different direction. And last but not least, Carnivore Diprosopus returns with a new record featuring a monster truck on the cover. That's it, that's the review.
0:00:00 - Intro
0:02:25 - 200 Stab Wounds - Manual Manic Procedures (Metal Blade)
0:45:37 - Interlude - Watchmaker - “Failing Upwards,” fr. Erased from the Memory of Man (Willowtip, 2005)
0:47:48 - Wormed - Omegon (Season of Mist)
1:28:13 - Interlude - Dephosphorus - “Storming The Sloan Wall,” fr. Ravenous Solemnity (7 Degrees Records, 2012)
1:31:06 - Cephalotripsy - Epigenetic Neurogenesis (...Independent. Seriously.)
2:12:55 - Interlude - Corpse Carving - “Drenched in Visceral Excretions and Excrement: Aftermath of Emasculation” fr. Grotesque Goratorium: Disemboweled Gorific Feast (Despise the Sun Records, 2005)
2:14:25 - Carnivore Diprosopus - Rise of the Insurrection (Comatose Music)
2:52:38 - Outro - Amputated Genitals - “Chessman Red Monday” fr. Human Meat Gluttony (Gore and Blood Productions, 2005)
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Friday Jul 12, 2024
Terminus Episode 158 - Sear Bliss, Windswept, Limbonic Art, Arcane Bayonet
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
As Terminus prepares for its annual summer break (jetskiing, goblin slaying, etc.), we unleash a big black metal episode focused on only the coolest of wizard music. After an opening salvo by new project Arcane Bayonet, who present an oddball take on pagan black metal laced with black and roll, we get to a triumvirate of powerful spellcasting madness. First: the new record by Sear Bliss, legendary Hungarian hedge mages whose style of black/doom/folk/melodeath is as varied and well rounded as it is atmospheric and stirring. Second: the return of Windswept, a Saenko project which seeks to fuse the martial aggression of Hate Forest with the more delicate melodic sensibility of Drudkh to surprising results. Third: the mighty return of symphonic BM sorceror Limbonic Art, who drops the orchestra for something far more lean, hungry, and ferocious.
0:00:00 - Intro
0:05:24 - Arcane Bayonet - Bellicose Fields (Death Magick Collective)
0:27:02 - Sear Bliss - Heavenly Down (Hammerheart Records)
1:18:45 - Interlude - Rotting Christ - “Diastric Alchemy,” fr. Triarchy of The Lost Lovers (Century Media, 1996)
1:23:44 - Windswept - Der eine, wahre König (Primitive Reaction)
2:01:53 - Interlude 2 - Nécropole - “Immanence,” fr. Ostara (Résilience, 2015)
2:09:23 - Limbonic Art - Opus Daemonical (Kyrck Productions & Armour)
2:55:48 - Outro - Anaal Nathrakh - “Between Piss and Shit We Are Born” fr. Eschaton (Season of Mist, 2006)
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Friday Jun 28, 2024
Terminus Episode 157 - Ulcerate, Malignancy
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
To abruptly switch gears from our Very Special Episode earlier this week, we deliver reviews of the newest installments from two tech death giants. Ulcerate is back with their seventh full-length record which shows the band committing even more fully to the elements of post-rock, black metal, and textured drone which have helped define their sound- but have they strayed too far from the path? Pitted against them is the mutated monstrosity Malignancy's fourth full-length, which seeks to bring their sound a bit closer to the center of death metal while leaving their whiplashing, wild style of technicality intact- but can they maintain their vicious edge? YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE.
0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:56 - Ulcerate - Cutting the Throat of God (Debemur Morti Productions)
0:54:35 - Interlude - The Brass - “Treading Water,” fr. the Rugged Cross EP (Independent, 2015)
0:58:44 - Malignancy - …Discontinued (Willowtip Records)
1:40:43 - Outro - Copremesis - “A Poem” fr. Muay Thai Ladyboys (Paragon Records, 2008)
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Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Terminus Episode 156 - BURZUM
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Hark! What's that on the distant horizon? Could it be a Very Special Episode of Terminus? It certainly is, one brought out for that most special of occasions--a new Burzum... album? Compilation? Collection of thematically related tracks? That's just one of the many, many questions this record inspires. Burzum is back to metal-- or something like it, at least-- and it's certainly an unusual take on the style. Combining neofolk, doom, ambient, and black metal, Burzum's new record suggests an entirely new model of folk music-- one that attempts to bring the past alive in a more literal sense than most.
(A quick note: another episode will be released this week. We decided to make this a solo episode because, c'mon, it's Burzum!)
0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:07 - Burzum - The Land of Thule (Byelobog Productions)
1:15:01 - Outro - Burzum - “Glemselens Elv,” fr. Belus (Byelobog Productions, 2010)
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Friday Jun 14, 2024
Terminus Episode 155 - Knocked Loose, High on Fire
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Welcome back to Terminus: Extreme MetaHEY WHATTAYA DOIN' THERE! Yep, it's one of THOSE episodes, where we explore the furthest fringes of our established content, this time featuring two bands near and dear to our respective co-hosts hearts. In one corner: TDMG reps his set for Knocked Loose, which features a spirited discussion of the past, present, and future of metalcore, the usage of nu-metal technique, and what the band's success means for the broader world of heavy music. In the other corner: TBMG rides in on a powerful steed to present the new High on Fire, including a full discussion on the band's discography, the role of extreme metal in Matt Pike's work, and opportunity for more dimension in metal drumming.
0:00:00 - Intro
0:04:44 - Knocked Loose - You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To (Pure Noise)
Interlude - 1:08:40 - Thell Barrio - “A Toda Madre” (Independent, 2017)
1:12:01 - High on Fire - Cometh the Storm (MNRK Heavy)
2:03:54 - Outro - The Murder City Devils - “I Drink The Wine,” fr. In Name and Blood (Sub Pop, 2000)
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Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Terminus Episode 154 - Adversarial, Tsatthoggua
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Continuing this year's ongoing theme of triumphant returns come two excellent records--one highly anticipated, and the other utterly unexpected. Side A: the return of Adversarial, a TDMG favorite whose brand of death-fueled war metal smashes contemporaries with a flail of technicality, extremity, and potent atmosphere. Side B: the shocking return of Tsatthoggua, German blasting black metal legends whose new record picks up almost exactly where the band left off a quarter century prior. Put on your gimp mask--it's time to party.
0:00:00 - Intro
0:03:59 - Adversarial - Solitude With the Eternal… (Dark Descent Records)
0:49:23 - Interlude - Allfather - “Evolution to Supremacy,” fr. Weapon of Ascension (Invictus, 2005)
0:51:42 - Tsatthoggua - We Are God (Osmose Productions)
1:50:37 - Outro - “Bless Thee for Granting Me Pain,” fr. Blackdoor Miracle (Regain Records, 2004)
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