
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
In this twisted, maddening parody of a Terminus episode, we review only brutal death metal and raw pagan black metal. If you like elegant tremolo leads, immersive atmospheres, or vast, epic compositions, you are shit out of luck -- here you will find only viscous desolation and savage blades.
For once, we let The Death Metal Guy off the leash at the beginning of the show, and what does he do? Using phrases like "a lattice-work of slams",* he makes a systematic case for the artistic importance of brutal death. For you lovers of single-minded, extremely inaccessible sound, there's the Phillipine band Exerminated. Will Genesis of Genocide be the BDM album that finally sends The Black Metal Guy running for the hills? Next up, it's far more BM-positive fare from the cool dudes in Onchocerciasis Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, whose cacophonous mangle of eerie dissonance and iron snare evokes the monstrous angelic forms of Neon Genesis Evangelion (see T2 for a review of their last record).
On the second half of the show, TBMG unleashes our arsenal of short-release reviews, with:
1. A high-concept split release by Panzerwar (see T22) and Lungtoucher, centered on the clash of Saxons and Norsemen in what is now Yorkshire, northern England.
2. A promising demo from Spanish (no, Catalan!) newcomer Turment Nocturn. If you're worn out from hearing TDMG obsessively analyze complicated death metal riffs, get ready for TBMG to obsessively analyze some of the simplest riffs we've ever had on the show.
3. Finally, the booted berserkers of Doppelaxt raise their doppelaxen high above the mountain of the slain, offering red tribute to the black banner of PABM (PENNSYLVANIA BLACK METAL, that is). This band has learned the wolven mysteries of 90s Poland, but strikes with a hardcore-punkish speed that could only come from North America.
00:00 - Introductory bullshitting
0:06:14 - Exterminated - The Genesis of Genocide (Comatose Music)
0:49:34 - Onchocerciasis Esophagogastroduduodenoscopy - The Rotted Plinth of Sachiel (Stillbirth Records)**
1:33:13 - Interlude - Cephalotripsy - "Consummating Omophagia," fr. Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies (Amputated Vein Records, 2007)
1:38:59 - Panzerwar / Lungtoucher - The Battle of Jórvík split (Independent)
2:23:46 - Turment Nocturn - Sense Misericordia (Narbentage / Negra Nit)
2:44:33 - Doppelaxt - Kill the Opposition (Independent / Cassettes thru to Signal Rex)
3:11:39 - Outro - Doppelaxt - “My Journey Towards Idealism,” fr. Kill The Opposition
*TDMG credits this to the excellent oldschool RYM reviewer Syncline.
**TDMG accidentally says that their 2020 EP, Adoration of Decaying Innocence, was their first official release. In truth, that was a 2019 demo called, uh, Interspecies Defloration.
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Friday Apr 09, 2021
Terminus Episode 46 - Sielunvihollinen, Grîmmöld, Pupil Slicer, Sertraline
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
On this regal and abundant episode of Terminus, we bring you one record in a style we talk about way too much, and three others in styles we rarely cover. Perhaps one will strike your fancy....
We begin with the return of Sielunvihollinen, standard-bearers for the stern and stomping "street" variant of Finnish black metal, and an old favorite of TBMG. This is quite distinct from the Finnblack formula, as it's been popularized abroad, and provides a good window into the deeper reaches of the Finnish underground. We give special attention to the 'hollinen's gritty heavy-metalisms, and their skill at generating variation within self-imposed parameters.
Next up, TDMG initiates our first full-length review of anything dungeon synth -- Grîmmöld's The Dying Kings of Man. We're both DS-skeptics, to say the least, but we find this strangely compelling, especially in the way it reaches into properly aggressive BM, and properly sinister dungeon drone. I'm sure many of you are connoisseurs, so we'd be curious to hear whether the strong points of this record are as unique as we take them to be, or a fixture of the burgeoning nowadays DS scene.
After the break, it's time for something completely different with TDMG's other pick, a British _____-core band called Pupil Slicer. They play extremely choppy rhythms and technically demanding skronk-leads at the tempo of grind, with a fair number of Big Pit Riffs thrown in just for kicks. It takes TDMG back to his teenage mathcore phase, but it doesn't quite land with TBMG.
Finally, in honor of TDMG's concept of "Tony Hawk Pro-Skater Soundtrack Black Metal" (coined earlier in the show), TBMG pulls a 180 nosegrab tailspin in aesthetics and brings on..... a post-black band called Sertraline. What's gotten into him??? Let's find out....
0:00:00 - Introductory bullshitting / Terminus News ft. Liquid Viscera
0:14:41 - Sielunvihollinen - Teloituskäsky (Hammer of Hate)
0:58:44 - Grîmmöld - The Dying Kings of Man (Independent)
1:35:35 - Interlude - Moon and Azure Shadow - “Age of Darkness and Frost,” fr. Age of Darkness and Frost (2020 remaster by Repose Records)
1:44:26 - Pupil Slicer - Mirrors (Prosthetic Records)
2:26:50 - Sertraline - The Streetlight Was All We Needed (Hypnotic Dirge Records)
3:15:00 - Outro - Heaven In Her Arms - "赤い夢" ("Red Dream"), fr. 黒斑の侵蝕 ("Erosion of The Black Speckle") (Ape Must Not Kill Ape, 2007)
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Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Terminus Episode 45 - Ildskaer, ЛЕШИЙ (Leshiy), Metharoma, Upon The Altar
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
In this (relatively) short but high-ABV episode of Terminus, we bring you a fresh bouquet of the new spring's finest flowers -- albums about death, meth, swords, and burning boats. Exhale the rot of last year, and breathe in the smoke on the wind.
To lead off, The Death Metal Guy checks in with the captains of Danish Nautical Black Metal (DNBM), Ildskaer, whose Den rædsomste nat was one of 2020's more pleasant surprises. On this new EP, they make good use of the format -- not unleashing a full broadside like they did last year, but training their batteries to a new level. There's a lot of subtlety to explore.
The Black Metal Guy follows up with a killer album-length demo from ЛЕШИЙ (or "Leshiy"), a black metal configuration of Russia's Pleskau Brethren Circle. ЛЕШИЙ play simple, direct music inspired by sounds we all know and love -- so what is it that makes them so damn good? TBMG has a few ideas, and launches into the most detailed riff analysis we've done in a while.
After 90 minutes discussing noble, martial black metal, it's time to lower the tone, and TDMG has got what you need. If what you need is 37 minutes of artfully composed brutal death metal about addiction, recovery, and the rot at the heart of middle America, that is. Metharoma's Pipe Dreams is the first thing we've covered by one of TDMG's favorite nowadays BDM auteurs, Brian Forgue (Syphilic), and features Jacob Schmidt from Defeated Sanity.
Finally, we close out with a new Terminus favorite -- the rumbling, primordial black/death of Poland's Upon The Altar. TBMG is proud of his find, but he hands off the wheel to TDMG, our resident expert on all things Paul Ledney. You could think of this review as a tour through UTA's armory of arcane riffs: riffs that are only one note, riffs played over and over, riffs written by the drummer, and at last, the mighty Riff Where Nothing Happens Very Specifically.
0:00:00 - Introductory bullshitting
0:11:52 - Ildskaer - Paa dækket kalder de døde (Independent)
0:43:46 - ЛЕШИЙ (Leshiy) - ПОГАНЫЕ СНЫ (Horrible Room)
1:16:25 - Interlude - Bekhira - “The Devil and The Sorcerer,” L’Elu du Mal (Aura Mystique Productions, 2005)
1:21:05 - Metharoma - Pipe Dreams (Through the Alley) (New Standard Elite)
1:56:16 - Upon the Altar - Absit Ab Ordine Luminis (Putrid Cult)
2:34:08 - Outro - Demoncy - "Joined In Darkness," fr. Joined in Darkness (Baphomet Records, 1999 / reissues by NWN)
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Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Terminus Episode 44 - Zarabanda Moon, Kaal Akuma, Sarkrista, Humanity's Last Breath
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
On this megalithic episode of Terminus, we finally bring you a well-balanced roster -- two black metal bands and two death met- ok, sorry, one is basically deathcore, but it's not like the other deathcores, we promise.
The Black Metal Guy leads off with one of the final works of Lam -- Unseen Forest Patriot, recorded under the battle-mask of Zarabanda Moon. Most of you are familiar with Lam's projects Sanguine Eagle and Hand of Glory, and many are still feeling his loss. We begin with some background on his black circle, The House of First Light, and some thoughts on his personal legacy. Then we review the record. Terminus will release a proper memorial to Lam in coming months.
Next, The Death Metal Guy introduces Kaal Akuma, a Bangladeshi band whose pummeling death metal taps into the same eldritch forces as black metal. As TDMG points out, this is what "atmospheric / cavernous" death metal should be, and it really hits home with TBMG. Together we sperg over Kaal Akuma's mastery of folkish melody and their wild, intuitive playing, and do some speculation on the essence of subcontinental death/black metal.
After the break, TDMG comes in for round two with Sarkrista, a Finno-Germanic (like, literally from Finland and moved to Germany) black metal band who epitomize everything TDMG loves about the modern, melodic Sargeistian sound. You can imagine how this goes over with TBMG..... We discuss.
Finally, TBMG throws a curveball in the form of Humanity's Last Breath, a Swedish band playing a bleak, inorganic hybrid of "downtempo" and Orthodox BM. HLB has won a lot of respect in the hardcore scene, and it's time we found out what all the fuss is about. We were expecting some sick beatdowns w/ downtuned riffs over blastbeasts, but we got something far more original and challenging. This is another case of "core" bands setting the pace in the extremity arms race -- grit your teeth and turn it up.
00:00 - Introductory bullshitting / Terminus News ft. Transgressor (reissue) and Reaver (ft. mem. of Draghkar and Azath)
19:48 - Zarabanda Moon - Unseen Forest Patriot (Livor Mortis / Unseen Forest Patriot)
01:04:48 - Kaal Akuma - In the Mouth of Madness (Dunkelheit Produktionen)
01:44:53 - Interlude - Adversarial - "Cursed Blades Cast Upon The Slavescum of Christ," fr. Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism (Dark Descent, 2015)
1:49:52 - Sarkrista - Sworn to Profound Heresy (Purity Through Fire)*
2:38:40 - Humanity's Last Breath - Välde (Unique Leader)
3:29:25 - Outro - Sovereign - “Dogman I,” fr. Dogman (Devil’s Child Records, 2008)
*Correction: Sarkrista is native to Germany -- they did not relocate there fr. Finland.
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Friday Mar 19, 2021
Terminus Episode 43 - Strix Askesis, Malist, Incertus, The Ruins of Beverast
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
On this auspicious, equinoctial episode of Terminus, your hosts battle through Sunday-night braindeath to bring you.... the show, featuring three bands that gravitate towards slower tempos without being "doom," and one band with lots of punk beats and songs about owls.
The Black Metal Guy leads off with that one, the self-titled debut from Vermont's Strix Askesis. This is stompy, jangly pagan BM shot through with a surprising range of non-metal influences, to the point it may not even be metal anymore -- in other words, it's American outlaw rock. Oh, and since he totally forgot to mention it on the show, TBMG (who writes these descriptions) would like to add that the greatest of those non-metal influences has gotta be Sonic Youth, esp. songs like "Stereo Sanctity" and "Cross The Breeze." If you dig wild, earthy, life-affirming music you'll love this -- and you won't have heard anything quite like it.
Next, in accordance with our Party-mandated quota for Eastern-bloc black metal, TDMG brings us Russia's Malist. This one is hard to pin down. On the one hand, it's polished and melodic. On the other hand, it's brooding and burly. If you've been following our long-running conversation / debate about the "Mgla effect" in modern BM, and the overall turn toward more immediately catchy riffing, this is a crucial one.
TDMG continues his run with a great new find, also from Eastern Europe -- the Polish death metal band Incertus. You could say Incertus play "old school death metal," but from an alternate timeline in 1985. This one is better heard than described, but suffice to say it hits on both levels -- crushing / guttural and cryptic / melodic. Incertus has a wonderfully imaginative vision of what death metal could still be, encapsulated by their improbable choice of a cover track....
Finally, TBMG decides it's time we had a talk - a talk about the new Ruins of Beverast, that is. Since you're all familiar with the monumental works of Alexander von Meilenwald, we take a freer approach with this one. It's less a sample-based review, more a rolling conversation where the new record leads us to thoughts on TRoB as a whole, and vice versa. So pour yourself a Scotch or doppelbock, light your ancestral tobacco pipe, and get ready to pensively stroke your beard / goatee / chiseled jawline, sometimes starting up from your richly-upholstered armchair to shout your disagreement, other times turned away toward the rain-spattered window, lost in eerily familiar dreams of megaliths in snow....
00:00 - Introductory bullshitting / rundown of bands and labels
0:05:18 - Strix Askesis - Strix Askesis (Independent)
0:57:22 - Malist - Karst Relict (Northern Silence Productions)
1:36:11 - Interlude - Dark Tranquility - "Unfurled by Dawn," fr. A Moonclad Reflection (Slaughter Records, 1992). This EP is an ancient artifact, but it's included on this comp, and you can buy other early DT directly from the band.
1:43:28 - Incertus - Predestination to Damnation (Defense Records)
2:17:10 - The Ruins of Beverast - The Thule Grimoires (Ván Records)
2:52:08 - Outro - The Ruins of Beverast - "50 Forts Along the Rhine," fr. Rain Upon The Impure (Ván Records, 2006)
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Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Terminus Interview - Altered Dead
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Back on T37 we got all fired up about Returned to Life, the long-awaited return to life of Victoria, BC's Altered Dead. Now, the complete lineup of Mic (guitars/vox) and Julian (drums/vox) joins The Death Metal Guy for a Terminus interview as chill as it is high-spirited. TDMG and guests are very much on the same wavelength, so after a few brief formalities, it's onward to the ins and outs of songwriting, sound quality, and the creative dynamics of actually playing in a band.
If you're new to death metal, this has got everything you need to know to start your own band, and maybe steal one of the setups they tried before nailing the sound on the new record. But along with all that juicy detail, you'll hear these two old friends just riffing, which gives a far more "three-dimensional" feel than you could get in a one-on-one interview. Mic says what is probably the funniest thing ever said on this show (involves Bolt Thrower), and by the end, you'll feel like you've just spent a dimly-recollected weekend on the Victoria metalpunk scene (hangover and head injury not included).
00:00 - Introductions / two-man death metal?? / evolution of the sound
10:33 - "It's gotta roll forward always" - What makes an Altered Dead song? / riffwriting vs. soloing vs. jamming
27:22 - Interlude - Altered Dead - "Mental Suicide," fr. Returned to Life (2021)
32:07 - "I'm not gonna ask you the 'what are your influences question,' but...." - 80s roots / Victoria crust and grindcore / 00s and nowadays OSDM
41:16 - "You could just fucking die!" - mystical ticket stub / perils of Green Jelly / extreme metal in 90s console games.
48:20 - "Might as well use this too!" - 8-string guitar / recording / amps and cabs.... real gear hours
55:45 - "I listen to extreme metal everyday" - is there such a thing as death metal fatigue? / non-metal favorites
58:03 - "It's a bit surprising actually" - Altered Dead come to terms with fame and fortune.
01:01:34 - Outro - Ceremonial Bloodbath - "Primitive," fr. The Tides of Blood (2020)
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Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
On this week's episode of Terminus, we try out a new format. Sort of by accident, we ended up with two EPs and a very short full-length, plus a fan submission and a debut album. We're thinking that every month from here on, we should do a roundup of demos, EPs, and maybe some full-lengths by very new projects. Let us know what you think....
Anyway, to the music. TBMG leads off with a pair of EPs steeped in one of his favorite sounds, the marginal true-BM classics of late-90s Scandinavia. Chicagoan war metal gang Malthusian Kommand has way more to do with Sweden than Ross Bay, while Swiss hermit Goifer traverses towering peaks and shadowed valleys with an eccentric spin on Norwegian melody.
TDMG follows up with a band that embodies the wild, willfully nerdy imagination at the heart of heavy metal. Sol Draconi Septem, a supergroup of dudes from the French BM scene, aims for a "swords and planets" atmosphere with a soundtrack-y, almost electronic variation on stuff like Summoning. As usual, TBMG gripes about riffs, and TDMG comes up with one of his left-field comparisons.
After the break, we're back with a 20-minute ripper / gripper from Polish ____-grind band Zatrata. TDMG hears deathgrind, TBMG hears crustgrind, and for once, everyone's opinion is valid. Zatrata's fiercely condensed, craft-intensive attack handily outdoes the legion of American "darkcore" bands who've long struggled to achieve something like this.
We close out with an in-depth review of the debut by Exsanguinate, a Terminus listener (and now patron) who sent his record in a few weeks back. It's difficult to describe how this band sounds -- we do our best on-air -- so let's just say it's an extremely original take on high-plains American black metal. As TDMG says, "he's got the hard part done first," so our job is to help C.J. zero in on the center of his music.
0:00:00 - Introductory bullshitting / rundown of bands and labels
0:16:19 - Malthusian Kommand - Unravelling the Purity Spiral (Independent)
0:42:32 - Goifer - Grabschlöfer (Repose Records)
1:03:38 - Sol Draconi Septem - Hyperion (Time Tombs Production)
1:45:08 - Interlude - Sear Bliss - "A Mirror in The Forest," fr. Letters from the Edge (Hammerheart, 2018)*
1:49:59 - Zatrata - Zatrata (Selfmadegod)
2:11:55 - Exsanguinate - Violence Is The Natural Law (Independent)
2:54:57 - Outro - Earth - "Raiford (The Felon Wind)," fr. Hex; or Printing in the Infernal Method (Southern Lord, 2005)
*As far as The Black Metal Guy remembers, this is the very track that inspired the term "Cool Wizard Music."
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Friday Mar 05, 2021
Terminus Episode 41 - Kjeld, Szary Wilk, Suicide Circle, Lavizan Jangal
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
As winter hurtles headlong into slushy spring, and the collective ABV of the northern hemisphere rises a couple points, we return with Terminus 41. This time, we've got another uniformly strong lineup, all black metal, with two very typical picks from each of us. Prepare yourselves for Total Termination.
The Black Metal Guy leads off with the long-awaited return of Frisia's Kjeld, whose 2015 record Skym channeled the fearsome melodies of 90s Norway into a modern, blasting frontal assault. After that, the Second Wave revival took off, and other bands got all the credit. Now, the masters return to claim their throne with Ôfstân ("Distance"), where ice-cold essence shades into beautiful maritime light. (For more on the Dutch scene, we've also just uploaded an interview with Arjan from Heidens Hart Records, who put this one out.)
The TBMG bloc continues with Szary Wilk, a well-chosen fan request that frankly floors both your hosts. This Polish band likes werewolves and they like the 90s Polish scene, but they've forged a wide-ranging and original modern sound. If you like elegant songwriting and big, dumb heavy metal Conan riffs - in other words, if you listen to this show - you'll love it.
The Death Metal Guy segues into the second half with a forgotten Polish classic, then hits us with a double-barreled blast of Gallic despair and paranoia, courtesy of Suicide Circle. You may be familiar with the vocalist / bassist, Meyhna’ch - he played in some old French band. Here, he's found two ideal collaborators, and together they've cranked out a record that stands alongside his earlier material. This is hostile, gritty, urban stuff, made for a world in restless quarantine. Not for vampyres.
And at last, TMDG brings our death spiral home with the grinding mecha-warblack of Persian band Lavizan Jangal. Here, we delve into an esoteric interpretation of Darkthrone, and wander shell-shocked through desolate post-industrial soundscapes. We've heard that L.J. has some ties to Trivax, a British band originally from Iran, whose new single we featured on the news segment of T38.
0:00 - Introductory bullshitting / Terminus News ft. Serpent Dweller
25:00 - Kjeld - Ôfstân (Heidens Hart)
1:12:34 - Szary Wilk - Wrath (Putrid Cult)
2:00:38 - Interlude - Plaga - "Slaying The Spiritless Abel," fr. Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii (Societas Oculorum Arcanorum, 2013)
2:09:00 - Suicide Circle - Shotgun Prayers (Osmose)
2:52:14 - Lavizan Jangal - تاریکی و مرگ or "Darkness and Death"
(Careless Records)
3:26:46 - Endvra - "The Devils Stars Burn Cold," fr. Black Eden (Red Stream, 1996). Out of print and not on Bandcamp, but all of Christopher Walton's releases as Tenhornedbeast are available from Cold Spring.
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Friday Mar 05, 2021
Terminus Interview - Heidens Hart Records / Sagenland
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
After dedicating 2020 almost entirely to reissues, Dutch black metal cornerstone Heidens Hart is back with two major new releases -- Sagenland's Oale Groond (see T35) and Kjeld's Ôfstân (out today, March 5 - review forthcoming). Since The Black Metal Guy spends a lot of time geeking out about the Dutch scene, and this label in particular, he figured he'd take the opportunity to speak with founder and sole operator Arjan (also 1/2 of Sagenland).
Over the course of the conversation, Arjan touches on many key aspects of his aesthetic, from folk-inspired minimalism and ineffable yearning, to the individual, imaginative transformation of canonical sounds. One gets the sense of a man who simply happens to live in the present -- a man for whom trends are as far away as the nearest city, and the modern world is, at most, an inconvenience.
00:00 - Introduction
04:05 - "It's more rewarding to write a flowing song" - Folkish melody vs. Norsecore / minimalism and drone / songwriting for Sagenland
19:26 - "It can be 50 years ago or 5000 years ago" - melancholy and nostalgia / barrows and dolmens
24:54 - One country, two sounds - rural, regional Dutch BM vs. the big city metal scene
34:58 - "Independent since the beginning" - roots of Heidens Hart and the Dutch scene in the late 90s
44:50 - "Maniacal and crazy" - an introduction to Blackdeath, the Satanic Russian black sheep of the HH roster
50:58 - Interlude - Blackdeath, “Hass aus dem Himmel” fr. Phantasmhassmagorie (HH2019). Followed by more on Blackdeath and alternate histories of black metal.
01:04:20 - "Without being a ______ clone" - introduction to the German Medieval BM of Pest, the Anglo-Saxon neofolk of Wolcensmen, and other recent HH releases. This section gives a good sense of Arjan's overall taste in music.
01:23:06 - "It sounds.... bothered." - history of WROK, Dutch grand masters of gorked basement goblin BM.
01:31:46 - Outro - Wojnar - end of “Part one - Część pierwsza eposu,” fr. Kiedy duch wojny nade mną powstanie (HH reissue, 2019; Slava Productions, 1999)
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Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Terminus Episode 40 - Spire, Carcinoma, Qwälen, Ancient Spheres
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
On this week's bright, shiny, punctual episode of Terminus, we've got a bit of a role reversal for you. The Black Metal Guy gets the first half of the show, with some uncharacteristically polished, modern-sounding, death-metal-ish stuff. On the second half, The Death Metal Guy brings you an interesting sampler of.... raw black metal?
TBMG leads off with the Spire's long-awaited, carefully-crafted Temple of Khronos. While anyone who liked Entropy (2016) will like this record, it's a bit of a stylistic curveball, not so much a forward leap as a clever sidestep. Your hosts try to figure it out, as they bang their heads to these memorable, dramatic songs.
Next, TBMG continues his reign of terror with the debut full-length of Carcinoma, who sit at the crossroads of several subgenres of dissonant, punishing black and death metal. Unlike many of their ortho-, disso-, and cavernous competitors, however, Carcinoma cut through the murk with convulsive, high-intensity body music.
After the break, The Death Metal Guy takes over, and it's stomping time. He introduces us to Qwälen, a new Finnish BM band whose crust / hardcore roots show in their refreshingly intense, aggressive take on the style. TBMG digs it, but he feels like he's heard this somewhere before....
TDMG closes out with one of his classic off-the-beaten-path finds, nocturnal rainforest BM from Costa Rica's Ancient Spheres. This band is steeped in the spirit of 90s Scandinavia, transposed about 50 degrees latitude south, and 90 degrees longitude west. No point trying to describe it any more, here. This band rules. Just listen.
00:00 - Introductory bullshitting / rundown of bands and labels
07:55 - Spire - Temple of Khronos (Sentient Ruin Laboratories)
52:02 - Carcinoma - Labascation (Rat King Records)
01:27:16 - Interlude - Sectioned - “Beautiful Struggle” into “Starved Lives,” fr. Annihilated (Independent, 2019)
01:35:45 - Qwälen - Unohdan sinut (Time to Kill Records)
02:08:40 - Ancient Spheres - Prayers of the Black Flame (Independent)
02:58:18 - Outro - Zargof - "Beyond the Dark Gates of My Promised Fortress," fr. Departure For The Cosmic Twilight (Ars Magna Recordings, 2005). Digital released independently on Bandcamp *for free*.
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